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Dry Cleaning Cleaning in Calgary

by ClearSpace Cleaning

Professional Care for Your Belongings

Dry cleaning is the ideal solution for the gentle and effective cleaning of delicate surfaces, furniture, and textiles that require special care. ClearSpace Cleaning provides dry cleaning services to ensure that your furniture, carpets, and other items stay in excellent condition.

What’s Included in Dry Cleaning

  • Sofa Cleaning

    ● Straight Sofa● Corner Sofa● U-shaped Sofa● Kitchen Corner

  • Mattress Cleaning

    ● Single Mattress● Double Mattress● Children's Mattress● Armchair

  • Other

    ● Rugs● Carpets

You can see the prices for Dry Cleaning here ⏎

ClearSpace Cleaning ensures the highest level of care and attention for your furniture and textiles, keeping them looking great for years to come.

Feel free to contact us to schedule your service!

Each of these services is priced at $35 per hour, ensuring that you receive professional, customized cleaning based on your needs.

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